Monday, 10 January 2011

vision, hope, creative living

today I begin a new blog with a sense of hopefulness and new vision - rather weary but emerging gently from dark shadows of chronic illness and gruelling treatment for Hepatitis C.  this Ihope will be a place for anyone - Hep C patients ofr others who relate to the general themes - to touch base and use a thought, a comment or even half-formed idea as a spring board, a stepping stone or just a moment of grounding......

as I hope what will emerge here will be about healing: about illness and other adversities in life being a material for transformation and growthfulness; about triumph and celebration, too, as well as adversity. and about the real experiences that shape our experience of life and who we are  .... becoming.

for me this is a time of new beginning - gently. a little scared (sometimes very scared) and both tentative and bold.  weary in body, and often in heart and mind, too, after a bleak 48 weeks of battling the virus and the harsh effects on self and life of the treatment itself.  but -spirit is alive and  imagination, friendship and flexibility will carry us forward in so many ways.   for the first few weeks after stopping the medications, I felt no sense of recovery, direction or aliveness at all - just numbly pained and physically ill and lost.  now instinct and immune system are ready to begin the next phase of life's  adventures and reclaim life and being - in new ways with a sense of optimism that is at least to some extent grounded in the many different rhythms of life and ways of being. Chronic illness and huge battles can be a catalyst for all of us, in bringing that kind of perspective

so welcome to all visitors living the different aspects of the Hep C experience - whether living with the disease, treating for it, recovering, or a carer - there may be liver transplant patients, health workers or many to whom this is relevant.  but I would also like to open up themes common to anyone who wants to find and build meaning from times of struggle, ill health or passages through shadow lands.... as well those in a more flowing or clearer time of their lives - but beyond the immediate realities:   seeking to live with  authenticity or wholeness through

creative living, discovery, shared experience, healing, choices for well -being for self and others, community and new beginnings, recovery, gorthful transformation . and flow and good humour....

for me this is about more than me ... it is about people.  connections, shared journeys, stepping stones and signposts. I often write in the first person, but sometimes what I write is an integrated reflection of both my own experience or observations, and a kind of inner or sacred llistening to tthe stories or insights of others, and weaving those themes into my own observations.  so many friends sharing parts of the journey as we both shape it and allow it to unfold.......

live well, love much, laugh often....   xxx eva day.

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