Once, for a short period of time a few decades ago, there was a certain configuration of planets, which made some shapes in the sky – astrologers called the first shape a Grand Cross (but bit tricky of them really, because actually it looks more like a box. And feel like one, I can tell you that from personal experience.) the other one they called a Kite and that was fair enough, looked and felt like one. So anyway I had just done 9 months retreat in a womb like space… (it was actually a womb) and decided it was time to arrive in the world, and as I have done ever since…. Once ready and made a decision, I go into hyper-drive. So mum person had to call an ambulance as I appeared to be suddenly about to crash land, with no advance warning. First she thought I was a plum, or damson, as she had eaten some home-made damson jam the day before. And this could be indigestion. But it wasn’t, it was me hurrying up so that I could have mercury on my ascendant and linked up to all the other planets…. That way I could talk a lot especially rubbish and crazy stuff…. Which would be good way to deal with the damned box thing…..
Anyway, then I was in The World and a very perplexing place it was too. But I played a lot and also noticed a lot of things. Then I had to go to this weird place where they made me sit in a room and listen to a strange lady talking about a lot of stuff to do with algebra and the sum total of sum nonsense or other….. then another strange lady would say that I had to put on a special costume and run around a field with a bunch of other girls whacking each other in the shins in the freezing cold and have some enthusiasm and team spirit about it all. That was a pain. But it was better when we went in another room and a nice lady told us about some great stories and Narnia and things like what romans really did a long time ago and travelling to far away lands. And got us to write some stories too. That was good.
After that I had to be a grown up and so I really went for it in quite a rush as well, when the time felt right. Not a very sensible grown up though. Lots of magic potions and sexy jiggy stuff and taking off on mad adventures…. Found lots of weird crazy people to hang out with, that was fun. But got into some trub with not being able to leave the magic potions alone even when they were obviously making me sick and more weird but not in a good way…. Still I wanted to get out of my head…. Well maybe really I just wanted to fly my kite, given to me when I was borned as I explain. But how was I to know that? I never had an instruction manual or any lessons in kite flying I had to figure it out for myself. And then there was that damned box, it make me feel very unsettled, different and not know how to belong in the world sometimes. Still there was stories, and I read one about pandoras box, thought it might be a bit like thought. Or maybe it could be magic, turn it into treasure box . but the potions seemed like magic- oh dear how was I to know back then that something I didn’t want got inside of me, because of them, not in the head, but via the veins and blood.. but that would not reveal itself for many years…
Well then lots more things, what I do and what happen at me. Like love affairs and go learn magic stories of hypnotherapy and have a child and tell her special stories, and go see some of the countries I dreamed about when I was first learn to read. Always escape in special places in imagination whatever happen….. thanks for the books and stories. Oh and I go to some festivals and play a lot more, and help pretend to be a grown up and run the festivals like they taught me in brownies when I was a kid, to do a good turn every day only thing ever made any sense there. Everything else was strange like salute the flag. Well then after that, just like happened to me, the child I had suddenly she a grown up too and much more sensible than mum an all but very funny and also like stories and imagination. Then I do some jobs and work and get some money and fly my kite, getting quite good at that, and keep busting out of boxes and even busting other people out of boxes, all good stuff. Not got to have the magic potion no more, now I can fly kite and have cool friends to play with and can belong to self and world…
All ok. Do some praying and travel in space and spirit also and some people do give me some great teaching lessons with all that, good as still got mercury in tow and it orbit pretty fast. So then meet beloved soul mate and very happy love is good. Oh we say to each other after some time something ain’t right with my body and thinking everything go weird systems shutting down go to hospital place a lot. I will stand by you through all says beloved and he does. Some people don’t though they bugger off but I get some peace about that learn to accept. Oh invader has a name, it called hepatitis c. shut me in a box again I aint having that so Houdini girl gonna bust out of box. A tough one though take me 48 weeks of dedicated escapology and stil got to watch out for boxes…. But learned how to fly kite while surfing on sofa…. And how to meet good friends in cyber space through magic screen on something which looks like box but is called computer so boxes not always bad depends on what type of box you dealing with and also how you handle them like box whispering… anyway here I am now telling you about it all and just to say that if you ever have same problem – I reckon get yourself a magic kite with that you can often float out of boxes and fly away.
Love, eva porate , a fictional character from the illustrated story book The Box Breakers and The Kite Adventures. (by N. E. Wann and pictures by Yuri Magi -gNation. )
1 comment:
Anna the shapeshifter has asked me to post this comment for her, as she is not able to access the comments otpion here. Anna had seen this post elsewhere (as we both beling to a fb group page, where it was orignally posted) so thank you for your response Anna and your warmth...
it's a beautiful piece and i love the fairy tale style flow of it, it feels soft like a delicate fabric, flowing gently on the warm wind somewhere on a spring meadow generously covered with blossoming flowers, and even though it talks of pain, struggles and difficult times there is acceptance and a ray of hope at the end of the rainbow :))) (AnnMaRou)
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