Monday, 28 March 2011

confusion broken affirmations healing

peoples telling me watch out its heavy here come twenty twelve its end is nigh
i heard this back in the year ten eighteen a comet omen in the sky
i been around long time, but only just got born came down in yesterdays acid rain
did not save the planet did not help a whale use a lot of pesticides on  my brain
sometimes compost walk not drive many times buy good stuff wrapped cellophane
maybe some days did not could not care not seems real what difference me trash wreck
the planet all the people toxic mind, not got energy even green who really give a feck
recycled packaging on catwalk watch me walk the plank and drown in disgusting hell
polluted aitch two oh I don't really like being out in nature wild places am an empty shell
out of all my tidy tiny moments in the great big history of the universe big bang bad
to stamp around with great big carbon footprints live in factory dump fucking mad
now you telling me it's a consciousness not tuned in to reiki vibe chakra healing power
meditate now to save the world and human evolution 777 souls saved in darkest hour
so fucking tired, so brutally addicted, fearful, watch the radio listen to the tv make movie
about tsunami towers come crashing down god did angels did it apocalypse is groovy
yeah i don't give a shit I only do today tomorrow buy it from convenience store consume
that's how i was raised now you think i gonna earn karma points ya effin merchant of  doom
i wanna see the end i want stand in middle of total awfully chaos get obliterated life suck
anyhow I am sick and ill with all the cliches and the poison in my body and the earth fuck
it's not my home and always get told how to live what to buy now not to buy what's right
walk dont walk run get on bandwagon get real gia theory barefoot bloody stephen hawking
no they telling me it aint just the eco issue its tune into vibrational healing chanting not talking
confusion bloody apathy indifference is what i am i dont feel anything i want it blown apart
stockpile weapons dried foods learn survival skills stand in front of oh christ great tidal wave
crashing in on you when it comes then it's over not stupid tired bored and cynical not brave
who is better than that who's better than you who gets redemptions who's got a safety token
already i been around for all time but feel like i just got here don't know nothing already broken
(eva day)

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